Behavior Learning Assistance Program
Mary Butterworth School is a District site for the Behaviour and Learning Assistance (BLA) program. which supports students displaying chronic, extreme and pervasive behaviours. Students require close and constant adult supervision and a high level of structure to function in an educational setting. Students enrolled in Behaviour and Learning Assistance will receive the same high-quality education as offered in all of our programs
- Develop and demonstrate positive behaviour and social skills
- Achieve academic goals
- Improved social skills
- Improved problem-solving skills
- Improved self-management and coping skills
- Structured classroom environment
- Predictable and clearly articulated routines, procedures, expectations and schedules
- Smaller classes for more targeted instruction
- Opportunities to join other classes for instruction in a student’s area of strength
Opportunity Program
Mary Butterworth is a district Opportunity site. Opportunity programming supports students with mild cognitive disabilities and significant academic delays gain skills for future independent living and employment.
- Improve academic and independent living skills
- Develop employment skills for students in junior or senior high
- Application of strategies for studying, remembering and organizing information
- Improved work and study skills
- Positive and supportive learning environment
- Emphasis on literacy and math instruction in elementary grades
- Slower pace of instruction
- Flexible instruction based on students' needs and abilities
- Visual aids, specific examples and hands-on activities
- Smaller classes for more targeted instruction
English as a Second Language (ESL) Program was added to our school in January 2016 to address the needs of our new students arriving from around the world. These students speak a first language or additional languages other than English and need to develop their English language skills to be successful in the classroom. Many of our new students require intensive language learning to be successful in their schooling.
- Develop English language and literacy skills
- Develop an understanding of Canadian culture and customs
- Improved ability to speak, read and write in English
- Improved ability to achieve at their grade level in all subject areas
- Confidence communicating opinions, thoughts and ideas
- Development of skills and strategies to support ongoing English language learning
- Flexible instruction that meets students’ needs, abilities and goals
- Practice speaking in English with other students
- Gradual integration into a regular classroom as language skills progress and improve
- Partnerships with community organizations to provide services for newcomer students and their families